Monthly Bulletin of Banking Statistics

The publication 'Monthly Bulletin of Banking Statistics' was discontinued in January 2016. The relevant data can be consulted and downloaded via the SNB data portal at

Last issue - December 2015

  • Languages

    Until August 2005, the publication was only available as a German-French version. Starting in September 2005, it also became available as a German-English version: 'Bankenstatistisches Monatsheft - Monthly Bulletin of Banking Statistics'.

  • This publication first appeared in September 1990 under the German/French titles 'Bankenstatistisches Beiheft - Supplément de statistique bancaire'; from November 1997 to 1999 it was published as 'Bankenstatistisches Monatsheft - Bulletin mensuel de statistiques bancaires', thereafter as 'Bankenstatistisches Quartalsheft - Bulletin trimestriel de statistiques bancaires' and from December 2002 again as 'Bankenstatistisches Monatsheft - Bulletin mensuel de statistiques bancaires'.

    The following list comprises digital reproductions of the printed publications. The digital text, which has been captured using optical character recognition (OCR) software, contains errors; only the images can be relied upon to provide a precise record of the content.

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