On-site services

View from outside into the SNB forum

Welcome to the Swiss National Bank! At the SNB Forum, an events centre maintained by the SNB in Zurich, we hold conferences and seminars with internal and external participants. We also provide workspaces. In addition, the SNB library and archives offer a comprehensive collection of books and academic journals on monetary policy, economics, cash and banking. The Study Center Gerzensee, for its part, is an educational institute, a conference site and a venue for dialogue.

Depiction of the 200-franc note on the media display in the SNB Forum

SNB Forum in Zurich

An information centre for everyone

At the SNB Forum in Zurich, visitors can find valuable information about the Swiss National Bank.

The SNB library and archives: home to a comprehensive collection

The archives

The Swiss monetary and central bank policy records are stored in the SNB archives.

The SNB’s public library

Find books and academic journals on monetary policy, economics, cash and banking.

Ordering SNB publications

Would you like to order a specific SNB publication? You can find all relevant information here.

Study Center Gerzensee

Welcome to the Study Center Gerzensee

The Study Center is an educational institute, a conference site and a venue for academic dialogue.


This page lists all the addresses and contact details of the various SNB offices, agencies and other specialist units.

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